Human Age to Orangutan Years Calculator

This free online tool converts your age into Orangutan years based on your DOB. Just enter your date of birth and find out how old you would be if you were a Orangutan.

Date of Birth

Orangutan: The Gentle Giants of the Forest

Orangutans, often referred to as the "people of the forest," are remarkable primates found exclusively in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. With their striking reddish-brown fur and intelligent eyes, these creatures captivate the hearts of many.


Orangutans are the largest arboreal mammals, with males reaching up to 1.5 meters in height and weighing around 100 kilograms. Their long, powerful arms are perfectly adapted for life in the trees, enabling them to swing effortlessly from branch to branch. Their reddish-brown fur provides excellent camouflage amidst the lush greenery of the rainforest.


These magnificent creatures inhabit the dense rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra, where they spend most of their lives in the canopy. Orangutans are highly arboreal, rarely descending to the forest floor except for occasional travels or food foraging. However, rampant deforestation threatens their habitat, pushing them to the brink of extinction.


Orangutans are solitary animals, with adult males leading mostly solitary lives, while females tend to be more social, forming small groups with their offspring. They are highly intelligent and have been observed using tools, such as sticks to extract insects or leaves for shelter during rain. Orangutans also exhibit remarkable problem-solving abilities and display a wide range of emotions, from joy to frustration.


Their diet primarily consists of fruits, supplemented with leaves, bark, insects, and occasionally small vertebrates. Orangutans play a crucial role in seed dispersal, as they consume a variety of fruits and spread the seeds throughout the forest, contributing to the regeneration of plant life.

Conservation Status

Orangutans are classified as critically endangered, with both species facing severe threats from habitat loss, illegal hunting, and the pet trade. Conservation efforts are underway to protect their remaining habitat and combat poaching. Organizations are working tirelessly to raise awareness and implement measures to ensure the survival of these magnificent creatures for generations to come.


Orangutans are truly remarkable animals, embodying the beauty and complexity of nature. As stewards of the Earth, it is our responsibility to protect and preserve their fragile habitat. By taking action to mitigate deforestation and combat illegal activities, we can secure a brighter future for orangutans and the rich biodiversity of our planet. Let us work together to ensure that these gentle giants continue to roam the forests for years to come.

Human Years to Orangutan Age Chart:

Human to Orangutan years calculator: How old am I in Orangutan years? A human's 1 year is equal to about 0.39 to 0.45 years of a Orangutan's lifespan. We've created an easy-to-understand chart that shows your age by converting it to a Orangutan's age.

Human Age Orangutan Years
1 Year 0 Year, 4 Months, 28 Days
2 Years 0 Year, 9 Months, 26 Days
3 Years 1 Year, 2 Months, 24 Days
4 Years 1 Year, 7 Months, 22 Days
5 Years 2 Years, 0 Month, 20 Days
6 Years 2 Years, 5 Months, 18 Days
7 Years 2 Years, 10 Months, 16 Days
8 Years 3 Years, 3 Months, 14 Days
9 Years 3 Years, 8 Months, 12 Days
10 Years 4 Years, 1 Month, 10 Days
20 Years 8 Years, 2 Months, 19 Days
30 Years 12 Years, 3 Months, 28 Days
40 Years 16 Years, 5 Months, 8 Days
50 Years 20 Years, 6 Months, 18 Days
60 Years 24 Years, 7 Months, 27 Days
70 Years 28 Years, 9 Months, 6 Days
80 Years 32 Years, 10 Months, 16 Days
90 Years 36 Years, 11 Months, 25 Days
100 Years 41 Years, 1 Month, 5 Days

Some interesting facts about Orangutan:

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae

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